Saturday, April 17, 2010

God's Plans

So, if you haven't heard already, I'm not going to Utah this summer. I was disappointed at first because I had invested so much time into the application process, but the more I think about it the more I realize that in all honesty, I didn't want to go. I kept trying to convince myself that I did, but when I found out I wasn't going, one of my first feelings was relief (that was after the tears subsided). If I had been accepted, I would have gone because the way we were praying about the whole situation was that if God wanted me to go he would open the door or slam it shut. Acceptance would have meant an open door and that would mean that God wanted me there this summer.

The door was slammed shut. Which in my mind, means that God has a purpose and a plan for me hear this summer. I don't know what that is yet, but I really can't wait to find out.

However, the day I found out I wasn't going I was still feeling a little depressed (I mean, it was an amazing opportunity) and as I was spending my time with God I came across a verse I had underlined before. This verse was just confirmation to me that it was God who slammed that door shut and that he has plans for me in Michigan this summer.

(And FYI I think it's pretty amazing how God had me read that verse on that night. I mean, I've been reading through Isaiah, about two chapters every night and for that chapter to be on the exact night I wasn't accepted into the program was God. And I happen to think that's really cool.)

So, I know you're all probably wondering what the verse was, so I'll share it now.

Isaiah 22:22b

"When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them."

I just think that's really cool and I'm trusting God to continue opening and closing doors this summer in accordance with his plans.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


John 15:17

"This I command you: love one another."

Offering Grace...

I read something that made my heart hurt today.

Someone posted an article on Facebook about a Christian Music Artist who has come out of the closet. She's trying to reconcile her lifestyle with her faith. That in and of itself was enough to make my heart break a little, but what really made my heart hurt was what followed.

The article was on website that after people read the article they can post comments on and about the article. Reading those comments made my heart hurt. To see the hate that people proclaiming to be Christians was heartbreaking. I hate it!! Honestly, I don't agree with her lifestyle and the way that she is choosing to represent her faith. However, I have more of a problem with the arguing, hurtful comments, and misrepresentation of the Christian faith by those who leave comments on these articles.

Jesus commands us to love. How were these people's actions loving? How many people are continually turned off to Jesus because this is the "Jesus" they see?

I am by no means perfect. Trust me, I'm far from it. Yet, I hope when I fall, the Christians around me offer grace instead of condemnation, love instead of hate, and truth spoken in love instead of beating people over the head with it. And I pray that I have the same reaction to the Christians around me when they fall because I want to represent my Jesus the best way I know how: showing love, offering grace, and speaking the truth with love.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Random Thoughts...

I want to blog, but I really don't know what to say. So I would like to share with you some random thoughts.

I love the Deaf community. Their language is beautiful and so is their culture.

My Kairos girls rock my socks (when I wear socks and even when I don't :-) They are girls that love Jesus and love each other. They are real women and I love each one of their hearts.

I am in love with the song "Our God" by Chris Tomlin. So much so that I translated it into ASL and will preform it three times this weekend. It's a great song for a group of people to sing. The lyrics repeat and it has a simple melody. And it has amazing truth in it!

I don't like movie fads. I still refuse to watch LOTR and Twilight.

I actually like to write papers and I go through withdrawal during the summer and write papers for fun.