- I am healthier spiritually. I am closer to Jesus than I've ever been and, while I know that I still have a long way to go in my faith walk, I'm moving closer instead of farther away. I am continually amazed by all God is teaching me and the way he shows his love to me. Like last night, when I was reading my devotional and this verse was the verse for that day:
Song of Songs 1:15Look at you! You are beautiful, my true love!
Look at you! You are so beautiful!
So good. Jesus knows me so well.
- I am healthier emotionally. The word joy has found its way back into my vocabulary. I LOVE life right now. Before, I think I was sad all of the time and didn't even really realize it. Now I know what joy is. I know how good it is to laugh. I still cry, but I'll always cry because I'm sad, or happy, or embarrassed, or moved, or angry, or any other emotion that you can think of.
- I am healthier physically. I love the gym right now. Not only do I get to listen to some of my favorite music which translates into I get to spend some time just worshiping Jesus, but I also feel better. I have more energy. I have more endurance.
- I am more me. I like me. I like that I'm growing closer to Jesus. I like that I like to work out. I like that I can cry at the drop of a hat.
Six months is a long time. Six months is a short time. But six months with Jesus healing your heart is the best time.