It's been 18 years. In some ways it's hard to believe it's been that long. I was so young when I made the decision, only 10 days past my 7th birthday. November 19th, 1995: the day I chose to give my life to Jesus and live for him.
Some people may say that I was too young to really know what I was doing when I gave my life to Jesus and the truth is I didn't understand it all. But I knew what I did understand. I knew, even at 7 years old, that I was a sinner. And that because I had sinned, Jesus had to die on the cross. But the good news was that he didn't stay dead. Three days later he came back to life. And because of the work he did on the cross, I could have my sins forgiven and spend eternity with Him. I knew that He would always be with me and never leave me.
So, on that night, I did what Romans 10:9 says: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
I've never regretted it.
Not for one minute.
I haven't always been the best at following Jesus. I have sinned, repeatedly. I have inwardly walked away from him. I have ignored what he has told me.
But He's still there.
And He still loves me.
And so, as I celebrate my 18th re-birthday, I'm thankful. I'm thankful for what Jesus has done. I'm thankful that He never gives up on me. I'm thankful that He has held me so close this last year. I'm thankful that He draws me close to His heart everyday. I'm thankful for all the tiny little ways He shows His love for me and all the great big ways He shows his love for me.
But I'm also thankful that this gift isn't just for me.
I'm thankful that it's open to EVERYONE.
I'm thankful that if you make the same choice I did 18 years ago that Jesus will save you. And He will walk with you. And He will hold you close. And He will never give up on you. And He will show you how much He loves you in countless little and big ways.
The best re-birthday gift you could give me, and the only one I really want, is for you to start asking questions. Be curious. Message me on Facebook, text me, email me, call me, comment here, whatever it takes, start a conversation with me. I won't force anything on you and I'll love you no matter what you choose.
But what do you have to lose by asking a few questions? I know I gained everything.