Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Happy 19th Re-Birthday to Me

I woke up this morning and as soon as I saw the date I knew the importance of the date.

Today is my 19th re-birthday.

Today is the 19th anniversary of the day I chose to follow Jesus.

And because of that, today is special.

All day today I've been reflecting on this last year of following Jesus.  It's had its up and downs for sure.  There have been times when I have not been completely faithful to the one I gave my heart and life to 19 years ago.  But there have been some really AWESOME times this year.  Times where Jesus has revealed his love for me, taught me more about him, and taught me more about myself and how he uniquely created me.

Some of my favorite moments from this last year are the times when I got to have conversations with people about Jesus and just love on people... even if they don't end up loving Jesus too.  Those have been the times that I have felt alive.  They've also been the times that bring me even closer to Jesus, because it never fails that, as I talk about what God is doing in my life with people who haven't chosen to follow Jesus, I find myself spending a lot of time in prayer.  For them, for me, for life.

So today, in the midst of my celebrating and reflection, I want to love on you and have a conversation about Jesus.  So pour the hot beverage of your choice and let's talk :-)

Someone asked me once why I believed in Jesus so strongly when I'm so young.  I really only had one answer.  Basically what it comes down to is that I've experienced God's grace and forgiveness in ways that I can't begin to describe.  After everything that I've done and everything I've gone through, Jesus is still the same.  And his love is still overwhelming.  I worked so hard to try and please people only to finally begin to realize that pleasing Jesus is the only one who matters.  I still screw things up royally... way more often than I care to admit.  But that's the truth.  I'm not perfect and I don't claim to be.

But there's another truth that I can't fully wrap my head around, but I know it's truth.  Jesus saw something in me.  He loved me even when I didn't see anything worth loving in myself.  He called me and told me I was his.  He chose me.  He adopted me into his family.  He calls me friend, daughter, beloved.

How could I not respond to a love like that? How could I not choose to follow Jesus when I've experienced that kind of love, forgiveness, grace, and mercy?

That's what today is about.  It's not about celebrating me and a decision I made.  It's about celebrating Jesus.  It's about celebrating that he chose me and he loves me.  He loved me enough to die for me.  And he loves me enough to continue making me into his woman.  It's about celebrating and remembering what Jesus has done in me and through me.

And it's a time of hope that, one day, each of you will experience that love.

I'm serious about the hot beverage and a chat too.  I'd love to have conversations with any of you... even if you don't agree with me.  We can talk via text, Skype, Facebook, email, in person, or even by carrier pigeon if you prefer.

So are you up for it?  Are you willing to have a conversation?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Redeeming Dates

I have this thing about dates.  As in, days on the calendar kind of dates.

I remember birthdays, anniversaries, and other "important" dates easily.

Most of the time, this is a good thing.  Sometimes it's a hard thing.

Dates that have good times and memories associated with them are fantastic to remember.

But then there's the other kind of dates.  The dates seared in my mind because they weren't so happy.  And sometimes I don't know how I'm going handle that date until I'm there.

Sometimes I wish my brain wasn't so good at remembering dates.  There are some dates that I wish I could wipe the significance of out of my mind.  Sometimes I just want to enjoy a day without thinking about the significance of the date.  I may be far past the hurt that happened, but every time the date rolls around, I know what it signifies.

Today's one of those days.  One of those days where the date has some previous hurt attached to it.  And I'm doing okay.  But part of me wishes this day didn't hold any significance... that nothing would trigger when I look at the calendar.

But that's not the case.

I do remember the date.  And I remember the hurt.  And I remember the pain of that day two years ago.

But God's teaching me something.

He's reminding me that I don't live there anymore.

He's reminding me of the healing that he's done in my life since then.

He's reminding me of the laughter I've shared since then.

He's reminding me that he is the redeemer of my days.

Two years ago, I wouldn't have thought that was possible.  But now?

Now I know.

I know God heals.

I know God redeems.

I know God has a plan and a purpose for everything.

I know God loves to hear me laugh.

And I know he has redeemed this date.  This date is no longer one that signals pain, hurt, and heartache, but is instead a date that reminds me of true friendship, laughter, healing, and God's promises and care.

"This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow." Isaiah 48:17

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Tomorrow is my 26th birthday.

Though if you ask the waitress at our favorite local restaurant, I look 15.  And if you ask her mom, the owner, I look about 20.

I think it's funny.

But with tomorrow being my 26th birthday, I've decided to take some time and reflect on this last night of being 25.  And I've chosen to do that with all of you.

25 was a fabulous year in many ways.  It started off with a birthday trip to Greenfield Village, a home inspection, church, and dinner with some great friends who are so dear to my heart.

God was bringing me out of a year that, while filled with good times and healing, was also incredibly difficult.

And 25 was a year where God continued to heal my heart.  It's been a year that's just been good.  Fun.  Joy-filled.

Yes, there have still been days that have been full of frustration and annoyances, but looking back, it's been a year of blessings.

Material blessings: a new house, stuff for the house, Orlando vacation, and more.

Physical blessings: almost 20 lbs. lost, less headaches as I've starting cutting out processed foods, better health in general.

Relationship blessings: friends that are more like family, coworkers who are more like family, new friends, old friends, trips to see friends.

Spiritual blessings: growing closer to Jesus, letting God show me who he created me to be, talking with friends about Jesus, about what Jesus is doing in my life, about what he is or could be doing in their lives, watching people grow closer to Jesus... even if they don't always realize that they're getting closer to Jesus.

25 has been a good year.  Lots of good memories.  Lots of joyous laughter.  Lots of being who God made me to be.  Lots of life lived fully.

I can only imagine what 26 will bring.