Monday, May 31, 2010

The Road Through Ephesus... Purchased Ephesians 1:7

So I really hope you are having an amazing holiday weekend and that you have thanked all the veterans in your life. If you think about it, the verse today fits with the whole idea of Memorial Day. And I didn't even plan it that way... isn't God cool when he shows off like that??

Here's the verse.

Ephesians 1:7

"He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins."

Wow. Reading and mediating on this verse makes me so thankful for God's kindness and grace lived out through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. But here's the thought I really want to focus on: "...he purchased our freedom...". And I've had to pause and think this out and it keeps making my heart beat a little faster. So bear with me a moment.

Friend, you and your freedom were purchased. And neither came cheap. You are not some inexpensive trinket at the dollar store that has little value, little worth. You are a Tiffany's Diamond, an Armani suit, a Rolls Royce. Friend, you are expensive. You have worth. You are valuable. So when God purchased you, he didn't pay for you with some inexpensive token of his kindness and grace. No, he paid for you with the blood of his Son. His only Son. His Beloved Son. Do you see your worth in the eyes of your creator? Do you understand your value in light of what he paid for you? You are so precious to him!

I love that it says that God is rich in kindness and grace. I don't know about you, but I'm really thankful that he could afford to pay that kind of price. But I'm even more thankful that he chose to pay that price.

Just as our freedom as Americans didn't come cheap, neither does our freedom in Christ. For both blood was shed as a means to bring us freedom. Freedom is cheap and neither are you. Look at your worth the way your creator does. Begin to comprehend the price he paid for you. Know that you serve a God whose riches in kindness and grace bought you and brought you from chains and into freedom.

So this week, rejoice in your freedom. Both as an American and as a Christian. And understand your worth. You are incredibly valuable in the eyes of your Savior. Don't be mislead. You were worth the blood of God's one and only beloved Son.

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