Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Road Through Ephesus... Alive Ephesians 2:1

Wow. Ephesians chapter 2. In some ways I thought we would never get here. In others I feel like we just started this journey. I'm curious to hear from you... what have you learned as you continually dive into Ephesians? I hope you're diving in for yourself and not just relying on what I have to say.

Okay, so let's jump right into chapter 2.

Ephesians 2:1

"Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins."

At first read there doesn't seem to be much good news in this verse. Our disobedience and many sins have caused our death. But here's the good news. This verse is talking about our past. This verse is talking about us without Christ. The verse says that "Once [we] were dead..." That implies that now we're alive! Our death was caused by our disobedience and sin. Our death was one that separated us from God.

Now we are alive. Our life is in Christ. Our life was bought by Christ's death. He died so that we no longer had to live a life of death and separation from God. We have life in Christ.

Mark 10:45

"For even the Son of Man came... to give his life as a ransom for many."

Jesus came to save our lives. To buy us out of death. To purchase our freedom. To ransom us from captivity. Our former state of death has, through Christ, been transformed into life.

I like how Colossians 2:13 says it: "You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins."

God has made us alive! What are you doing to live like it? How are you living this life you have been given? Or are you still living like you're dead, caught in the trappings of sin and disobedience? Let's walk away from acting like zombies and start living the new life we've been given in Christ.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Road Through Ephesus... Representatives Ephesians 1:23

It's been a while since I've written. I took my normal crazy two days off and on the second on those two days I started getting sick. I your run of the mill cold, but when I get a cold, I can't think. My brain, along with my nose, gets stuffy. So it's taken me almost a week to finish chapter 1. But here we are, the last verse of Ephesians 1. It's hard to believe, but don't worry, we still have 5 more chapters and over 100 verses left! Let's jump in!

Today I'm quoting from the Message because I love the wording.

Ephesians 1:23

"The church is Christ's body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence."

We are Christ's body. Do you see that? We represent Christ. We are the way he speaks and acts. We are his hands. His feet. His voice. We are his physical representatives here on earth. We are his comforting arms. His helping hands. His soothing voice. Isn't that amazing?!? We have such an awesome responsibility. We are called to be little Christs. Pictures of his love, justice, and kindness. We need to become replicas of him, so people can't tell the difference between us. By our acting like Christ, people should be pointed to Christ.

But that's not where the verse ends. No, it continues saying, " which he fills everything with his presence." Christ chooses to use us. We are the vessels he chooses to use to further his presence. We are the ones that he chooses to use to bring others to him. How cool is that?

Our task is not easy. It's not effortless. We are called to become like Christ. To imitate him in all we do. Do your actions reflect that truth? I know all too often mine don't. All to often, I become more concerned about myself, more preoccupied with my comfort, and more distracted by my fear, then I do about the things of God. It sounds cliche, but how about asking, "What would Jesus do?" or maybe, "How would Jesus react?". Perhaps the best question, the one that we all can ask ourselves everyday is, "How can I look a little more like Jesus today?". And no, I don't mean walking around in robes and sandals. I'm not talking about the literal sense. But rather, how is your character, your actions and reactions, your daily life, looking more like Jesus today?

Let's look like Jesus.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Road Through Ephesus... Authority Ephesians 1:22

I never thought I would be excited by mid 80s temps, but I have to say I am very much looking forward to it :-) It has to be better than temperatures that feel like the 100s. But enough chit chat, do you realize we're almost done with the first chapter?!?! Only two more verses and we're finished with the first chapter! I can't believe how much I've learned so far, and I hope it's the same with you. So let's dive in to today's verse!

Ephesians 1:22

"God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church."

As much as I enjoy being a leader at times, I have to admit that I am very thankful that I am not ultimately in charge. That would be overwhelming and disastrous. Instead everything is under the authority of Christ. I love that! And it's not just some things. It's everything. People, places, things, the physical realm, the spiritual realm, all things are under Christ's authority. That can be both a comforting and frightening thought, can't it? Frightening because it means that every single person will have to answer for what he or she has done. Comforting because it means that we're not in control, we're don't have to have all the answers.

Perhaps the best part of this verse is the last part. It's the why. Why did God put everything under Christ's control? Do you see the last part of that verse?!? It's for our benefit. For the church's benefit. Christ's authority is not a rigid dictatorship. Rather it's a an authority of love. It's an authority for our benefit. For the benefit of his people.

As thankful as I am that I'm not in charge, it can sometimes be hard to give up what control I think I have. Yet, nothing is truly under my control. And everything is under Christ's control.

So here's to surrendering to Christ's authority. Are you with me?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Road Through Ephesus... Leading Ephesians 1:21

I am so very thankful for air conditioning. There is a definite reason I am from the north. I like warm, breezy, balmy days and nights with just a hint of a chill. It's probably the reason fall is my favorite season. I love sweaters ans sweatshirts and jeans... but alas, I digress. This is what happens when it's almost 100 degrees outside. I lose focus quickly :-) So before I continue on this rabbit trail why don't we jump in?

Ephesians 1:21

"Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else-- not only in this world but also in the world to come."

I am so thankful that I know who's really in charge. With all the turmoil, the natural disasters and man-made ones, the sickness, and just plain evil in the world, I am so thankful that the human leaders we see around us are not the leaders that have the final authority. More and more I'm coming to realize that only God has any real power. And frankly, that's amazing. Only Christ has the power to heal, to forgive, to bring life. Only Christ and his power.

Does this mean that human leaders have no purpose? By no means! Leaders are needed. Perhaps even more so, Godly leaders are needed. For all the leaders in this life will answer to the ultimate leader, the ultimate authority, the ultimate power, Jesus Christ.

There's a bit of a leader in all of us. In highschool, I wouldn't have said that. I didn't believe that I was a leader. I didn't want to lead. And then something happened. I was put in situations where I had to lead. And I did. More and more, I'm starting to see myself as a leader. It's not easy. There are days I would rather give the job to someone else. But still, I've been called to lead. You've been called to lead. Maybe not in the same capacities as I have, but you are still called to lead. Whether you are leading a ministry, a family, a group of friends, or on the job, you are a leader. But guess what?!?! The pressure is off! Because you are still under someone else's leadership. You still have someone to answer to, someone to gain wisdom and guidance from, someone to turn to when you are completely overwhelmed by the leadership task set before you. You still have Jesus in authority of you, leading you. Wow.

And it's not only in this world that Jesus has the final ultimate authority, but also in the next. Wow. What a comfort! It's not up to you! You have the charge to follow Jesus, your leader, as you lead others. You have the charge to be the most like Jesus in your leading as you can be. And if you are ultimately letting Jesus lead you, then you will be the kind of leader he wants you to be.

Let's lead. Let's follow the ultimate leader: Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Road Through Ephesus... The Power of Christ Ephesians 1:19-20

Sorry for the long hiatus. Two weeks ago we did VBS down in Detroit and I was usually going right from work to home and then leaving again for VBS... it was a crazy, exhausting week, but a wonderful one as well. There were just not enough hours in the day to blog as well. And then the Saturday after the VBS finished I left for Orlando to visit my best friend who's doing an internship down there this summer. I didn't have internet access while down there so I couldn't keep up with blogging again. By the time I got home, it was the holiday weekend and I needed to recuperate from my vacation. But here I am once again. Are you as ready to jump into this as I am?!?!

Ephesians 1:19-20

"I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God's power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power 2 that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms."

This is amazing to me. Paul is praying that people will understand the incredible greatness of God's power. Do you or I truly understand the incredible greatness of God's power? Do we truly comprehend it? Does this truth even begin to penetrate our thick skulls? Because it's not just that God's power is incredibly great, it's also that it's for us who believe him. That incredible greatness of God's power is meant for us. It is meant to work in our lives. God's power is in US. Does that just blow your mind?!? Because if it doesn't consider how awesome that power is with the next part of the verse: "This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead..."

Do you see it? The power that is in you is the power that raised Christ from the dead. The power that is in you took death and made life. The power that is in you conquered death forever. That's how awesome God's power is. And the best part is it's in you. That same power can transform your life and bring your deadened heart back to life.

It reminds me of this verse in Philippians 4:13 "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." That strength that comes from Christ is the same strength that raised Christ from the dead. That strength is in you.

Wow. It causes me to wonder if I live like I have God's strength in me. Do I live like I have the life-changing power of Christ in me? The power that can raise the dead back to life? What about you? Do you live in that power? Do you live like God has given you the power?

Let's live it.