Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Road Through Ephesus... Representatives Ephesians 1:23

It's been a while since I've written. I took my normal crazy two days off and on the second on those two days I started getting sick. I your run of the mill cold, but when I get a cold, I can't think. My brain, along with my nose, gets stuffy. So it's taken me almost a week to finish chapter 1. But here we are, the last verse of Ephesians 1. It's hard to believe, but don't worry, we still have 5 more chapters and over 100 verses left! Let's jump in!

Today I'm quoting from the Message because I love the wording.

Ephesians 1:23

"The church is Christ's body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence."

We are Christ's body. Do you see that? We represent Christ. We are the way he speaks and acts. We are his hands. His feet. His voice. We are his physical representatives here on earth. We are his comforting arms. His helping hands. His soothing voice. Isn't that amazing?!? We have such an awesome responsibility. We are called to be little Christs. Pictures of his love, justice, and kindness. We need to become replicas of him, so people can't tell the difference between us. By our acting like Christ, people should be pointed to Christ.

But that's not where the verse ends. No, it continues saying, " which he fills everything with his presence." Christ chooses to use us. We are the vessels he chooses to use to further his presence. We are the ones that he chooses to use to bring others to him. How cool is that?

Our task is not easy. It's not effortless. We are called to become like Christ. To imitate him in all we do. Do your actions reflect that truth? I know all too often mine don't. All to often, I become more concerned about myself, more preoccupied with my comfort, and more distracted by my fear, then I do about the things of God. It sounds cliche, but how about asking, "What would Jesus do?" or maybe, "How would Jesus react?". Perhaps the best question, the one that we all can ask ourselves everyday is, "How can I look a little more like Jesus today?". And no, I don't mean walking around in robes and sandals. I'm not talking about the literal sense. But rather, how is your character, your actions and reactions, your daily life, looking more like Jesus today?

Let's look like Jesus.

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