Sunday, July 20, 2014

Baptism Hope

100 (or so) people publicly declaring that they'll follow Jesus.

That's what I got to witness today.  Today I saw my cousin, young kids, whole families, engaged couples, and adults choose to tell everyone that they're following Jesus now.  Today I saw people who have been endlessly prayed for, loved on, and spoken truth to follow Jesus' example in baptism.

Baptism weekends are always emotional for me.

I love them so much.

Watching people declare that they're following Jesus does something to my heart strings.  It moves me in ways that I don't have words for.  And normally, as a writer, I have nothing but words.

But it does more than just move me.  It gives me hope.

Hope that the people I am praying daily for to know Jesus will one day be up there being baptized.

Hope that the people I am loving on with Jesus' love will one day be up there declaring their love for Jesus.

Hope that the people I have spoken God's truth to will one day be up there speaking the truth of what God has done in their lives.

I may not have words to explain what is happening in my heart right now, but I have hope.  I have Jesus.


Anonymous said...

110 people publicly expressed their love for Jesus today. Baptism day at Heritage are the bomb. Congrats Caleb!

Holly Kristina said...

Woohoo!! I hadn't heard the final count... so awesome! :-)