Thursday, May 28, 2009

Being Blessed...

These last few weeks... I think the past four weeks to be exact... I've been helping out with a ministry in Detroit called Lifebuilders, more specifically their children's ministry called KidBuilders. Anyway, I went down there with every intention of serving and loving on these kids. I got to do that, but... I don't know. You ever get that feeling that you know you're going to be a blessing and instead you end up the one who's blessed? These kids are amazing. I was so blessed by their love and even by their rambunctious spirits :-)

And then there's the leaders. These men and women give up every (or almost every) Tuesday night to spread Jesus' love to these kids. They have such a passion for them and for sharing their faith. It's rather humbling and convicting to be honest. How often do I live out my faith by giving of my time? How often is my time more precious to me than those sweet kids?

They sorely need more leaders. I am so grateful that next semester I was able to arrange my schedule to be down there every week. These kids have a passion for Jesus that can put mine to shame... maybe I'll learn from them. Wait. Scratch that maybe... I know I'll learn from them.

So, here's to learning how to give of my time and how to love these kids and my Jesus better!

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