Monday, February 21, 2011

The Road Through Ephesus... Peace and Freedom Ephesians 2:17

There is white stuff falling from the sky again. And have I mentioned how much I hate scraping my car?  However, scraping my car makes me thankful that I have a car to drive, so I guess it's not all bad.  Just not what I want to do every morning/afternoon.

But enough about the dismal weather conditions.  I'm in the mood for some good news instead, so I thought we could jump back into Ephesians.  I hope that's okay with you, and if it's not then you can stop reading here.

So. Here we go.

Ephesians 2:17

"He brought this Good News of peace to you Gentiles who were far away from him, and peace to the Jews who were near."

I want to focus on a few words here: "Good News of peace".  The Good News.  The Gospel.  Jesus coming to earth, living as a man a perfect life, dieing on the cross, taking our sins upon himself, being buried, and rising again three days later.  But if you look, Paul (the writer of Ephesians) adds a description of "this Good News".  He calls it one of peace.  How often do we really look at God's words as being a source of peace?  I know that too often I forget this and it's not until I'm in way over my head and I turn back to the Good News that I find peace again.

When I was looking up the word peace in the dictionary (because I love words), I noticed that several of the definitions started with the words "freedom from..." And that's what the Gospel is.  It's freedom.  It's freedom in Christ.  It's freedom to not "do what your sinful nature urges you to do." (Romans 8:12)  It's not the fake freedom that the world offers.  It's freedom to follow Christ.

Do we actively pursue that freedom?  Do we live like we're free?  Or do we walk around day in and day out as if we are still in chains?  If we believe in Christ and trust the work he did on the cross for us, then we are free.  It's a truth we need to believe.  Sadly, we often put ourselves back in bondage.  We willing enter that oppression.  Here's the good news: That bondage we put ourselves in is a lie.  We are FREE!

Let's start believing the truth of John 8:36:

"So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free."

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