Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Road Through Ephesus... Reconciliation Ephesians 2:16

The weather has been fabulous the last few days.  Sadly it seems to be coming to an end. It was a nice break from the frigid temperatures but alas, it's back to winter.  For one of the first times ever, I really can not wait until it's spring!  Other news in my life: I had three high school freshmen boys decide that they wanted to try to set me up with someone.  They didn't have anyone in particular in mind, they just wanted me to be dating someone since I've never had a boyfriend, never dated, and never been asked out.  I was left slightly speechless when this conversation came up. Oy Gevalt!!

Anyways, I thought today might be a good time to jump back into Ephesians.  I know it's been a little while but I want to start doing this a little more regularly again.  So, with that said...

Ephesians 2:16

"Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death on the cross, and our hostility towards each other was put to death."

I was looking at this verse and the word reconciled caught my attention.  So with my love of words, I looked it up in the dictionary and the thesaurus.  The word comes from Latin meaning "to come together again". For definitions we had "to restore" or "to settle". And then my favorite, synonyms: to make up, to make peace, to resolve.  I love that through Christ's death on the cross, he brought two totally opposite groups together.  Not only did he bring them together, he restored their relationship, he resolved their differences.  Christ is the ultimate reconciler.

And maybe I love this because I'm such a peace maker. I hate to see people fighting or at odds with each other.  It leaves me feeling uneasy.  Yet, so often in the church, in our daily relationships, we aren't at peace with each other.  So often we allow conflict to drive us apart.  Which is horribly sad.  Maybe it's time to let Christ reconcile us with each other again.  Maybe we should start to take Romans 12:18 to heart:

"Do whatever it takes to live in peace with everyone." 

Are you with me?

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